Tv tropes spec ops the line
Tv tropes spec ops the line

tv tropes spec ops the line

And when they break, we will be like brothers. Damned 33rd Soldier: Every insurgent brought before me will feel the same pain.If you did, you would know the truth is whatever we wish it to be. Politician: You know nothing of Dubai, my friend.Falcon 1: Just hand me your weapon Captain.But first I need you to lay down your weapon. Falcon 1: Captain Walker, we are here to help.Dubai Citizen: (After Lugo is lynched by a mob) You brought this on yourself!.SSG Josh Forbes (Captured Damned 33rd Soldier): All the Colonel wanted was to keep people alive.What, I'm supposed to abandon them just because I get homesick? Nah. He showed'em something the Nazis couldn't flatten. I've been thinking a lot about Murrow, broadcasting outta blitzed London.

tv tropes spec ops the line

But, if these people can still muster enough soul to create art. And he's not talking to anyone at the moment. I don't know what it feels like to execute people you swore to protect.where's all this violence coming from, man? Is it the video games? I bet it's the video games. That guy? You shot that guy? I liked that guy.They're just gonna keep on trying, even if it kills every last one of ya. Rumor has it, they're trying to "rescue" even more people. Reports are pouring into the studio that everyone's favorite D-bags are down at the mall.You didn't actually think we'd just let you walk in here, did ya?.Someday, people will tell you about your father. Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped.No, all I really want, Captain, is peace. If we're lucky, we do what's necessary, then we die. There's a line men like us have to cross. Even now, after all you've done, you can still go home. No matter what happens next, don't be too hard on yourself.You needed someone to blame, so you cast it on me: a dead man. I'm here because you can't accept what you've done.The truth, Walker, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not: a hero.And if the truth is undeniable, you create your own. It takes a strong man to deny what's in front of him.Someone has to pay for your crimes, Walker.Well done Walker, you've done what the storm could not: destroyed the Damned 33rd.I thought my duty was to protect this city from the storm.How many are alive today, I wonder? How many will be alive tomorrow? There were over five thousand people alive in Dubai, the day before you arrived.Attempted evacuation of Dubai ended in complete failure. This is Colonel John Konrad, United States Army.

Tv tropes spec ops the line